Thursday, March 23, 2006

Faster Than A Speeding Speedy Thing

I don’t consider myself to be particularly savvy when it comes to computers but I can get by doing most things if required given a little bit of thought and tinkering and I should have trusted to these skills last night while configuring my broadband connection. Foolishly though I printed off the instructions for doing this from the Virgin website and followed them. A decision that probably cost me an hour, you live and you learn. In the end after ditching the instructions I got myself back on track. So I am now getting speeds of 2.2 MB which is, surprise, surprise, a lot better than my old 52k connection and there is a free upgrade to 8 MB on the way.

So, what with getting home from work late, taking longer to configure broadband and installing anti-virus and firewall software I only had time for an hour or so gaming before fatigue set in. It was weird playing on World of Warcraft without someone next to me on a networked PC such as the set up at both Billy and Steph’s or Graeme and Sam’s. I realise now just how much information I had gleaned from having a fellow player next to me and how different it was playing solo, as it were. It did put a whole new perspective on things and made me take in more of my surroundings not having anyone to rely on to point me in the right direction.

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