Monday, August 15, 2005

Dripping Wet

I got soaked through to the skin on Saturday as I was caught in a flash storm heading into town. When I had left the house it was pleasantly warm but slightly overcast but by the time the bus had reached Byker the skies had darkened, the temperature dropped and the heavens opened. In the time taken to cross the 5 yards from the bus to the nearest cover I was drenched and so gave up and just trudged along to the Duke. Billy had been luckier and had dived into Spin just as the worst of the rain hit and so was relatively dry when he arrived.

It was the first day of the Premiership season and we stood watching the scores come in as I drip dried. To be honest our hearts weren’t in it with Newcastle not playing until the Sunday and this was also the first year we had not been involved in a fantasy football league. The fantasy league was not run this year as Glen who co-ordinated it had relocated to Liverpool due his work. I think both Billy and I felt a sense of loss standing watching the scores come through but having nothing riding on what we saw. We gave up before half time and fell back on that old faithful, record buying.

I’ve been going through a bit of a Heavy Metal phase recently so anything with a cover depicting dragons, warriors, spaceships or any other kind of science fiction/fantasy cover was fair game. I’m not really up on all the subgenres and what exactly each sounds like; Power Metal, Grind Core, Viking Metal, Battle Metal, and Symphonic Gothic Metal etc. etc. I just like loud guitars. I tend to go on gut feeling and it’s something that has worked very well over the years. Saturdays gut feeling led me to Nevermore’s ‘This Godless Endeavour’ and The Children of Bodom’s ‘Something Wild’. Both turned out to be a little heavier than I would normally go for, grunted vocals and all, but I enjoyed both and I think there was enough there for me to further explore their back catalogues.

Before bankrupting ourselves we retreated to the relative safety of Steph’s flat, drinking and chatting our way through to midnight. Perhaps Steph’s offer of a ‘small’ brandy before we left should have been politely refused. I’m getting old, I know I am. My tolerance for alcohol is fading so fast that I almost need to book a day off afterwards to recover and, for the second week running, my Sunday was spent atoning for my intake on Saturday. Well I’m off now to surf for detox remedies and a nice comfy pair of slippers.

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