Thursday, January 11, 2007

Making A Meal Out Of The NWOBHM

So much for my keeping up to date with this, sheesh. Paul’s Best Of 2006 CD is going to have to wait a little longer for a review as it is still in the car and I haven’t had a chance to sit down and write a few notes yet. Well when I say ‘haven’t had a chance’ what I mean is that I found other things to do, mainly playing WoW although even that has problematical. More of which later.

I won’t be reviewing or playing WoW tomorrow night as I’ve had an invite from Russ to go out for a curry ‘with the lads’. ‘The lads’ in this case are all members/ex-members of various NWOBHM bands. We have Russ himself (Satan, Blind Fury, Pariah), Kev (Angel Witch), Shaun (Raven, Satan, Pariah, Tytan etc etc), Steve (Satan, Blind Fury, Pariah, Skyklad), Bean (Satan, Blind Fury, Pariah, Skyklad), Alan (Tysondog, Satan, Pariah) and a couple of others who I’m not sure I’ve met yet.

I’ve met all the guys individually or in pairs before so it should be interesting to see what it’s like what they are like when they are all together in one place. I’ll try my best not to feel out of place. Luckily I got a copy of John Tuckers excellent book on the NWOBHM from Gill for Christmas so I should be up to speed on the subject. It has also caused to cruise Amazon in search of long lost gems from the likes of Trespass and Avenger as well as instil the need to go to my parent’s house to hunt out my old 45’s.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So how did it go down?
