Monday, May 08, 2006

Too Good To Be True

Well my progress has been quite remarkable so far, much better than I had envisaged at this point. I had assumed that I would still be mainly in bed and tottering around the house in great pain. Now whilst I certainly have moments of pain they are much less severe than I had thought. I have even been getting out of the house and into the fresh air.

Last Thursday, three weeks to the day from my operation, I made a trip to work in order to hand in my sick note, plus show off my scar, and then into town for a bit of a mooch around the record shops. Although I resisted temptation and abstained from purchasing anything. Friday night was spent at Graeme and Sam’s playing D&D although I did leave early in a bit of pain. Saturday marked my busiest day so far, into town with Billy in the afternoon for some CD shopping which resulted in purchases of the new Tool CD and discs from the Moody Blues, Hawkwind and Tradia to keep me going. Then in the evening off to town for my friend Ed’s Stag Night. Being all more of the mature persuasion, at least in age terms, we decided a drink and curry would be as racy as things would get although once the beer flowed it was decided to finish the night off in a lap dancing club. Well I didn’t even make the curry and decided discretion was the better part of valour and left after the drinks and even if I had the curry I would have given the lap dancing a miss. Not my cup of tea really.

I bet you are all thinking ‘Wow he’s done amazingly well to be able to do all that’, and you would be right, too well. Yesterday evening I collapsed in the house and ended up spending the night between the General and Freeman hospitals. Overdoing things was the general consensus after discounting a heart attack, so I’ve been given instructions to take things easier, a lot easier.

But none of this is why today I feel really low, so low I could cry at the slightest provocation. With everything that has been going on in my life I had lost sight of most things other than my own condition and when over the weekend I became aware that another member of the household was going through a bad time as well I was taken a little by surprise. Our wonderful little moggy Coral has been struggling with her breathing over the last couple of days and her appetite hasn’t been great for a week or so. Hence a trip to the vets this afternoon and the news that the vet fears she may have a lung tumour which would be incurable. So tomorrow we drop her off in the morning for a chest x-ray and the knowledge that we may have to have her put to sleep in the afternoon if our fears are realised. All in all a shitty day and I have a feeling tomorrow will be worse.

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