Monday, March 20, 2006

Thunder Stealer

There must be something in the air at the moment because not being content with my current health status or the fact that her mother is still in hospital my mam decided she wanted to get in on the act. I was bleeped at work on Friday afternoon by the nice people on reception at Accident and Emergency to tell me that she had just been admitted but that they weren’t sure of her condition. Obviously I dropped everything and headed straight up there and was ushered into the room to see her. My dad was with her and he told me that my mam had collapsed in Eldon Square car park just before he had arrived to pick her up from a shopping trip.

Thankfully she was conscious and had done no damage to herself when she fell. Looking very grey and drawn she suffering from extreme nausea and was constantly retching. Suffering mainly from that and a severe chill she looked like she had food poisoning or a bad infection. She had an ECG in the ambulance on the way to hospital and that was normal as was her blood pressure so it looked unlikely that she had suffered any coronary episode. In truth her blood pressure was way better than mine.

I stayed with my parents for an hour or so whilst we waited for a medic to review my mam but in the end had to make my excuses and head back to the unit just so I could give them an update and make sure nothing requiring my immediate attention had arrive as it usually does on a Friday afternoon. As I made it back to A&E I saw my mam being wheeled around to X-ray for a chest X-ray. She had regained some colour and wasn’t retching as much, which was a relief. The X-ray was normal and when we got back to A&E they told us that arrangements had been made to admit her to the RVI overnight for observation.

I stayed with her until the ambulance crew arrived to do the transfer then arranged for Gill to come and pick me up and take me home. I had been phoning around to my brother and sisters to give them updates and arrange for nighties etc to be collected for my mam and made further calls to let everyone know she was now being transferred. I have to admit that by the time I made it back home I was totally drained and decided that I wasn’t going to visit that night because everyone else would be heading over and I didn’t want add to the crowds. Lisa phoned me when she got back from visiting to say mam had improved some more after being given further anti-emetics and that the doctors had identified a urinary infection and suspected that was the cause of her condition.

As things stand today she was discharged with a course of antibiotics on Saturday and given instructions to take things very easy for the next week or so. Visiting yesterday she looked much brighter and the nausea had mainly resolved. I reemphasised that she should be taking things easy after she mentioned getting the train down to Preston to attend a meeting of her sugarcraft guild and hopefully she has paid heed. I was going to say that it has been nice to talk about someone else’s health problems for a change but that would be bollocks so I’ll just say that I hope that once I’m sorted this page will cease to be a health bulletin....for anyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that your mum is getting better. Bit of a shock to get a phone call like that!

Send her our best wishes (-:

Steph and Billy