Sunday, January 15, 2006

Sofa Rummaging

There have been one or two advantages to my occasional attempts at tidying the back room, namely the uncovering of long lost gift vouchers. The recent haul has been £15 worth of HMV vouchers and a further £17 for WH Smiths, not bad really. This did of course lead to another pocket, hole, burning situation which could only be remedied by a trip into Town.

Gill was heading in early to meet up with her friend Jacqui so I tagged along for the bus journey and we went our own separate ways once there. I’m something of a creature of habit and so hit the same shops I always do, in the same order. This is a route that has been honed over the years to allow the greatest potential return for my spending and I can’t see it changing any time soon. Once again it proved fruitful and, by the time I had met with Bill, my brother Graeme and a friend-free Gill a couple of hours later, I had a very good idea of how much was going to be spent and where.

In the end my return for the days wandering was: a John Hughes DVD box set including The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles and Weird Science; the Rush R30 DVD special edition with a multitude of extras; and 3 CD’s, Styx’s Cyclorama, Bon Jovi’s This Left Feels Right (for Gill) and a double compilation of NWOBHM by Neat Records artists. I have to say I am very pleased with the results and look forward to giving them all a spin, well all apart from Bon Jovi. Not bad for a rummage behind the sofa, so to speak.

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